Bicycles for Children
Balance bike:
A balance bike is a two-wheeled pedal-less bike that teaches kids as young as 18-months to balance on two wheels. After a brief learning period, toddlers and kids learn to ride, jump and coast on their bikes with no assistance from their parents. Balance bikes are a replacement for tricycles and training wheels as they are designed to be used during the ages that a child would typically ride a tricycle or use training wheels.
Baby and Junior bikes:
When a child mastered a balance bike and have shown interest in a pedal bike, we are ready for a regular bike with training wheels. Our staff is always eager to assist you in choosing the proper bicycle, depending on your child's experience, height and preferences.
With our tough go-kart, playing outdoors is even nicer! For years kids have the greatest adventures on our go-karts, because the seat and the steering are adjustable. The unique BFR system ensures that the child can pedal, brake and ride backwards using the pedals. This pedal Go-Kart is the best choice for kids that have a greater love for cars than bicycles.
Our footbikes are perhaps the most versatile models available anywhere. These all purpose beauties are perfect for short trips around town, a gentle, “rolling stroll” with friends, or vigorous aerobic exercise. They handle superbly on the street and the bike path, and are even suitable for a bit of gentle off-pavement riding.