The Lobby

Marble is present, as a reference to the historical and cultural continuity of this place, through a duo of shades: the white of Dionysus and the black of Melissochori, so far away and yet so close to each other, in a composition influenced by the leading artist Yannis Moralis with a clear geometric character. The glass guides the light through refraction and reflection. And, of course, the touches of copper in small but subtle details.

Collaboration between MAKEDONIA PALACE and PAOK FC to offer relief to refugees. Love knows no borders!

For all of us, the people of MAKEDONIA PALACE and of PAOK FC, the strong emotions brought forth by the tragedy these people are experiencing are heightened by our own historical memories of similar tragedies experienced by our ancestors.

Makedonia Palace, in collaboration with PAOK FC, is undertaking a series of actions to offer relief to refugees.

Following the example of PAOK FC, who donated one euro for every ticket sold for the PAOK FC – Borussia Dortmund match and intends to donate the same amount for the team’s next two European matches to be played in its home stadium, MAKEDONIA PALACE is taking action and donating one euro for every overnight stay between the 20th of October and the 3rd of November 2015, actively supporting the Organization “Doctors of the World (Medecins du Monde)” and other humanitarian NGOs.

At the same time, MAKEDONIA PALACE and PAOK FC are organizing the immediate collection of clothing (mostly windbreakers) and food, basic necessities and pharmaceuticals (such as adult antibiotics, skin ointments, ear, nose and throat drops, antidiarrheal medications for adults and children, gastro-resistant medications, paracetamols of all types, and cough drops) for the refugees hosted in Thessaloniki and for those who are arriving at the Eidomeni border crossing on a daily basis. Volunteers can bring any of the above items that they wish to the Makedonia Palace reception, or to Gate 4 of the Toumba Stadium, starting on Monday, the 5th of October.